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Biomass for syntropic agroforestry. Examples of trees and shrubs that can be used in Europe and other temperate climates for biomass production in a syntropic agroforestry system.

Below I present to you a list of the most accessible trees and shrubs in Europe that can be used to produce the biomass so crucial in the process of establishing and maturing a syntropic agroforestry system. Some of them can even be used to harvest their fruits (for example edible chestnut, mulberry or hazelnut), not just to have their branches periodically cut.

The list was inspired by the Coppice Agroforestry Fundamentals webinar, which can be watched on youtube here , where you can also find other interesting information.

This list is far from complete, but the presented selection gives you trees and shrubs that are easy to find and multiply in our country. In addition, they tolerate very well the periodic copping (cutting off branches), a very important feature in obtaining long-term biomass through them in a syntropic system.

I intend to lay the foundations of such a system of "syntropic agroforestry", and on this occasion I will periodically present to you information that I consider important, as well as updates on how my project is working.


  • European chestnut, lat. Castanea sativa;

  • Horse chestnut, lat. Aesculus hippocastanum;

  • Mulberry, lat. Morus;

  • European beech, lat. Fagus sylvatica;

  • Common ash, lat. Fraxinus excelsior;

  • Birches, lat. Betula spp.;

  • Sycamore maple, lat. Acer pseudoplatanus;

  • Black poplar, lat. Populus nigra;

  • Black locust, lat. Robinia pseudoacacia;

  • Willows, lat. Salix spp.;

  • Hackberry, lat. Celtis occidentalis, or a relative of it, Mediterranean hackberry , lat. Celtis australis;

  • Oaks, lat. Quercus spp.;

  • Lindens, lat. Tilia spp.;

  • Elm, lat. Ulmus glabra;


  • Hazel, lat. Corylus avellana;

  • Green alder, lat. Alnus viridis;

  • Black and red elderberry, lat. Sambucus nigra;

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